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The Third State

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The human consciousness lives in a state of dualities and the effects of that have become super prominent over the last few years. We have the left & the right, the good & the bad, the vaxxed & the unvaxxed, Israel & Palestine, Russia & Ukraine, capitalism & communism, yin & yang and ultimately, the me & the non-me. This list can be extended forever. Sure, you might argue that there are more sides to the same coin, that there is always a spectrum on which these ideas operate, but in the end they have a common underlying factor: they are divisive. And division is the root of conflict.

With the 3rd state I want to point out the possibility of a life that is beyond duality – attained through insight into the root cause of division and dualism: thought.

The concept of the yin & yang is often used to describe or even justify the fact that we live in dualities and that that is simply part of life and the way it should be. It is often said that yin & yang describe the good & the bad, the good in the bad and the bad in the good and that that forms an equilibrium. I beg to differ. 

I say that the yin & yang describes a state in which there is no duality. But in order to point that out, the colors of black & white and the form were a necessity to explain the starting point of the human consciousness, which operates in dualities. We find a somewhat similar idea in Patanjali’s yoga sutras, which lay down eight aspects that lead to yoga if followed correctly. They start out from the duality of the me & the non-me in the yamas and niyamas and finalize in a state of absorption called samadhi, which eventually leads to kaivalya or liberation (often misunderstood as the liberation from reincarnation, but we will go into the topic of death and what reincarnation means in another blog post). The liberation that is often talked about is the liberation of the mind from duality. Thinking in duality causes conflict, as we can very well see in wars, social conflict, the conflicts we have with our partners and even in the conflicts we have with ourselves. They all stem from a division, a duality, that is created by thought. 

But while the concepts of yoga or yin & yang often start out from a duality, I say that the duality doesn’t exist to begin with. It’s not that we end up leaving it behind after a long period of enquiry; we rather start out from the fact that it doesn’t exist outside of our imagination. After all, freedom or liberation is not to be attained through a long period of time. Freedom has to be the starting point, or else you’re not free to move in the first place.

With this blog I will talk mainly about topics around yoga, spirituality, insight, the revolution of the human consciousness, death, thought, health and more. Its aim is to awaken insight into the nature of thought in the reader, because, as I see it, thought has – even though it is a tool the human brain needs in order to survive – entered into aspects of life that it should never have entered into. That in turn created the havoc in the world we witness today.

However I don’t like to put a limit on the possibilities that this blog offers to me, so there might be other topics to be talked about. And since I’m a human being, my personality is necessarily flawed, so personality and my individual one shall also be written about. 

I’m looking forward to seeing what this blog will bring about. After all, the topics discussed here have been on my mind for quite a while now and long to be expressed. 

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